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Articles and features 30/06/2017

Prescribing - core skills series

Prescribing - core skills series

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Prescribing can be a risky business, especially when prescribing for different kinds of patients such as older people or children who can be particularly vulnerable. Charlotte Hudson talks about the risks and what you can do to make sure you avoid them.

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Articles and features 29/06/2017

Through the eyes of a locum: The great escape

Through the eyes of a locum: The great escape

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Dr Euan Lawson, a locum GP from Cumbria, explains why every GP, including locums, should have an open door when not consulting.

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Articles and features 15/03/2017

Dealing with complaints

Dealing with complaints

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Kirsty Plowman considers how complaints can affect you and offers tips for tackling any you may receive

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Articles and features 24/12/2016

The healing power of saying “sorry” in healthcare

The healing power of saying “sorry” in healthcare

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If I accidentally bump into someone and hurt them walking along the street, my immediate reaction is to say sorry, regardless of whether it was or wasn’t my fault. What happens when we place a similar analogy into a doctor/patient context?

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Articles and features 13/12/2016

How do I reflect effectively?

How do I reflect effectively?

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Dr Mark Dinwoodie, Director of Education at Medical Protection, discusses the importance of reflection and Dr Ayaz Khalid, a foundation doctor, shares his top tips for reflective practice

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Articles and features 17/10/2016

'Dr Google' in the patient chair

'Dr Google' in the patient chair

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There is no escaping the fact that ‘Dr Google’ is becoming more and more influential in GP consultations. At Medical Protection, we commissioned a YouGov online survey of 2021 British adults to look at the pros and cons of seeking medical advice from the internet.

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Factsheet 31/08/2016

Inquests - England

Inquests - England

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An inquest is a fact-finding exercise that is conducted by the coroner and, in some cases, in front of a jury. The purpose of an inquest is to find out who died – when, where, how and in what circumstances. This factsheet gives further information about what happens at an inquest.

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Factsheet 29/07/2016

Use of social media - England

Use of social media - England

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The General Medical Council (GMC) guidelines Doctors’ use of social media establish the standards expected from every doctor practising in the UK. The guide details the principles of conduct for using social media and explains how doctors can put these principles into practice.

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Factsheet 27/06/2016

Mental Capacity Act 2005 – Assessing capacity

Mental Capacity Act 2005 – Assessing capacity

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The Mental Capacity Act states that a person lacks capacity if they are unable to make a specific decision, at a specific time, because of an impairment of, or disturbance, in the functioning of mind or brain. This factsheet sets out the things to look for when assessing the capacity of a patient.

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Factsheet 27/06/2016

Mental Capacity Act 2005 – General principles - England and Wales

Mental Capacity Act 2005 – General principles - England and Wales

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The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (the Act) aims to protect people who lack capacity, and maximise their ability to make decisions or participate in decision-making. The Act is underpinned by five statutory principles. This factsheet sets out these principles and how they should be applied.

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Factsheet 17/06/2016

Safe prescribing - Scotland

Safe prescribing - Scotland

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Medication errors account for approximately 20% of all clinical negligence claims against doctors in both primary and secondary care. The costs associated with adverse events and inappropriate prescribing has been estimated at more than £750 million per year. This factsheet gives advice about avoiding prescribing errors.

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Factsheet 18/05/2016

Consent – The basics - Northern Ireland

Consent – The basics - Northern Ireland

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Respect for patients’ autonomy is expressed in consent law; to impose care or treatment on people without respecting their wishes and right to self-determination is not only unethical, but illegal. The approach to consent in Northern Ireland is currently governed by common law.

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Factsheet 17/05/2016

Medical records - Northern Ireland

Medical records - Northern Ireland

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Good medical records – whether electronic or handwritten – are essential for the continuity of care of your patients. Adequate medical records enable you or somebody else to reconstruct the essential parts of each patient contact without reference to memory. They should therefore be comprehensive enough to allow a colleague to carry on where you left off.

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