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Factsheet 15/05/2015

Consent - The basics - England

Consent - The basics - England

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Respect for patients’ autonomy is expressed in consent law; to impose care or treatment on people without respecting their wishes and right to self-determination is not only unethical, but illegal.

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Factsheet 15/05/2015

Making audio and visual recordings of patients - England

Making audio and visual recordings of patients - England

Time to read article: 6 mins
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Making and using audio and visual recordings of patients can benefit medical training, research and treatment. However, it poses risks for doctors regarding consent and confidentiality. In addition, all recordings from which living individuals can be identified constitute personal data and are subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act.

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Factsheet 15/05/2015

Making audio and visual recordings of patients - Scotland

Making audio and visual recordings of patients - Scotland

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Making and using audio and visual recordings of patients can benefit medical training, research and treatment. However, it poses risks for doctors regarding consent and confidentiality. In addition, all recordings from which living individuals can be identified constitute personal data and are subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act.

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Articles and features 14/05/2015

My working life by GP celeb Dr Phil Hammond

My working life by GP celeb Dr Phil Hammond

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I’ve had a portfolio career since 1990, and do different jobs every day. I currently work as an associate specialist in an NHS paediatric chronic fatigue service, a broadcaster for BBC Radio Bristol, an investigative journalist for Private Eye, a health writer for Reveal, The Times and Telegraph Men and an author, lecturer, campaigner and comedian. I manage it by compartmentalising my life, and winging it a lot (or as comedians call it, improvising).

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Factsheet 08/05/2015

Safeguarding children FAQs - England

Safeguarding children FAQs - England

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The GMC states that “doctors play a crucial role in protecting children from abuse and neglect”. Child maltreatment includes neglect and physical, sexual and emotional abuse. The following frequently asked questions are designed to advise MPS members what to do and who to contact, should they suspect children are at risk of, or are experiencing, harm.

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Factsheet 06/05/2015

Communicating with patients by text message - Scotland

Communicating with patients by text message - Scotland

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Text messaging allows practices to target and contact hundreds of patients within minutes. Patients can respond by text with replies automatically forwarded to a specified email address. Many practices are signing up to using a text messaging service to inform patients of appointments, flu vaccinations etc.

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Factsheet 06/05/2015

Needlestick injuries - Scotland

Needlestick injuries - Scotland

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Needlestick injuries can be classified as any piercing wound caused by a hypodermic needle, or by other sharp instruments or objects such as scalpels, mounted needles, broken glassware, etc. This factsheet sets out the main concerns for healthcare professionals and what to do when needlestick injuries happen.

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Factsheet 06/05/2015

Removing patients from the practice list

Removing patients from the practice list

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Removing patients from the practice list is an emotive issue, risking criticism from bodies such as the Ombudsman, the GMC and the media, and should only be used as a last resort. The reasons for removing a patient from the list can be varied, but it should not be in response to patients lodging a complaint or failing to comply with treatment. Nor should it be used purely because a patient is highly demanding, offers criticisms or questions his/her treatment.

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Casebook 05/05/2015

Human performance and medical error

Human performance and medical error

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Debra Searle was a novice rower when she set off to row solo across the Atlantic in a plywood rowing boat. Three and a half months later, she docked after rowing 3,300 miles and battling 30ft waves, force 8 squalls, tankers and sharks.

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Case report 05/05/2015

Too much oxygen

Too much oxygen

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A baby was born by caesarean section at 27 weeks gestation with a birth weight of 980grams. The baby was intubated, ventilated and endotracheal surfactant was administered.

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Case report 05/05/2015

A problem with polyps

A problem with polyps

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Mr S was a 35-year-old taxi driver who was visiting his extended family abroad. While he was there he decided to have a routine health check in a private clinic. He told the doctor in the health clinic that he had noticed some rectal bleeding over the previous four months.

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Casebook 01/05/2015

The high anxiety of the GMC

The high anxiety of the GMC

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The pressures of practising in medicine today are well-known: rising patient expectations have, perhaps, been fed by an increasingly hostile media, a problem that has potentially led to a more litigious landscape at a time when dwindling NHS resources are already posing an obstacle to the safe delivery of healthcare.

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Factsheet 30/04/2015

Clinical negligence claims – What to expect - Northern Ireland

Clinical negligence claims – What to expect - Northern Ireland

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A clinical negligence claim is a demand for financial compensation for alleged harm caused by substandard clinical care. Common reasons for claims include failure or delay in diagnosis, or incorrect treatment. In fact, many claims arise out of poor communication.

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Factsheet 27/04/2015

Dealing with non-compliant patients - Wales

Dealing with non-compliant patients - Wales

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A doctor’s primary concern is to do their best for their patients; this includes giving advice and treatment, and arranging investigations in accordance with the current evidence base and the patient’s best interests.

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Articles and features 22/04/2015

Your practice staff indemnity questions answered

Your practice staff indemnity questions answered

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We get a number of queries about indemnity requirements for practice staff. Here are answers to two of our most commonly asked questions.

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Factsheet 20/04/2015

Confidentiality – Disclosures without consent - Wales

Confidentiality – Disclosures without consent - Wales

Time to read article: 6 mins
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Certain circumstances can mean you are obliged to disclose information about a patient, even if you do not have their consent; under other circumstances, disclosure may be justifiable. This factsheet gives you further information about these circumstances.

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