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Case report 26/10/2017

Back to basics

Back to basics

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Mr B, a 42-year-old builder, attended his GP, Dr S, with a three-week history of back pain and left sided sciatica. Dr S found nothing of concern on further questioning or examination, so made a referral for physiotherapy and recommended ibuprofen.

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Case report 26/10/2017

Lost in translation

Lost in translation

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Mrs S, a 27-year-old Romanian woman who lived with her husband in the UK, became pregnant and presented to her local GP surgery to commence antenatal care. Mrs S did not speak English and usually brought a family member with her to interpret.

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Case report 26/10/2017

Repeating the risk

Repeating the risk

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Mrs L, a teacher, was first prescribed the oral contraceptive pill microgynon by her GP, Dr G, when she was 17. Her blood pressure was taken and recorded as normal. At this time, no other mention was made in the records of her risk profile or family history.

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Case report 26/10/2017

Elbow Arthroscopy radial nerve injury

Elbow Arthroscopy radial nerve injury

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Mr P, a right-handed project manager, developed a stiff right elbow following a previous injury, and had reached the limit of his progress with physiotherapy. X-rays showed degenerative changes and he was referred to an orthopaedic consultant, Mr A, who diagnosed osteoarthritis of his elbow.

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Case report 26/10/2017

Failing to act on tonsillar cancer

Failing to act on tonsillar cancer

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Mr K was a 36-year-old man who ran a pub. Mr K smoked and drank heavily. Mr K’s dentist had noticed a painless swelling on the right side of his neck during a routine check-up and asked him to see his GP.

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Case report 26/10/2017

Death by Diarrhoea

Death by Diarrhoea

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Mrs B was a 27-year-old secretary with a ten-year-old daughter. She had just enjoyed a trip to Pakistan where she had been visiting relations. Three days after her return she developed profuse, watery diarrhoea.

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Case report 25/10/2017

Living up to expectations

Living up to expectations

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Mr G was a 62-year-old office worker; he was overweight (BMI 29) and suffered from exercise-related angina. Mr G had several risk factors for ischaemic heart disease including smoking, diabetes mellitus and hypercholesterolaemia. Following a positive exercise test, a coronary angiography confirmed triple vessel coronary artery disease with a left ventricular ejection fraction of 45%. He was referred to Mr F, a consultant cardiothoracic surgeon, for consideration of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery.

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News and updates 25/10/2017

Adopting a considered approach in a time of uncertainty

Adopting a considered approach in a time of uncertainty

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We understand that the current indemnity situation for GPs can be confusing and uncertain following the Government’s recent announcement that it is to develop a state-backed indemnity scheme for GPs in England.

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Articles and features 24/10/2017

Case study - Missed critical limb ischaemia

Case study - Missed critical limb ischaemia

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Mr S was a 60-year-old lorry driver. He was overweight and smoked, and couldn’t walk far because he suffered with pain in his calves. This became so severe that he attended the out-of-hours service that evening.

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Articles and features 24/10/2017

Case study - An early presentation

Case study - An early presentation

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Baby T was eight weeks old when his mother brought him to his GP’s morning surgery.

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Articles and features 24/10/2017

Case study - Cauda Equina Syndrome

Case study - Cauda Equina Syndrome

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When Mrs C, a keen golfer in her early 40s, began to experience constant pain in her lower back, she consulted a GP at her local surgery.

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News and updates 23/10/2017

Making an informed choice: MPS response to Department of Health state...

Making an informed choice: MPS response to Department of Health statement

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Our approach is to make considered decisions that protect the long term interests of GP members, rather than making rash decisions that could have a long-lasting and detrimental impact on members.

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Case report 20/10/2017

Chain Reaction

Chain Reaction

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A patient presents with a sore wrist after a fall. This was followed by a complaint against the doctor.

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Press release 17/10/2017

The Department of Health issue statement on the indemnity offer made...

The Department of Health issue statement on the indemnity offer made by MDU

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The Department of Health has issued a statement on the indemnity offer made by MDU following the Government’s recent announcement on a state-backed indemnity scheme.

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News and updates 12/10/2017

Government support for GPs welcomed, but caution is urged

Government support for GPs welcomed, but caution is urged

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In the latest development regarding indemnity costs for GPs, the Government has announced its decision to develop a state-backed indemnity scheme for GPs in England.

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Press release 12/10/2017

MPS response to announcement on state-backed indemnity

MPS response to announcement on state-backed indemnity

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The Government has announced its intention to develop a new state-backed scheme for clinical negligence indemnity, for GPs in England. Read our response.

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Medical Records for GPs - in practice

Medical Records for GPs - in practice

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Good medical records – whether electronic or handwritten – are essential for the continuity of care of your patients. They should be comprehensive enough to allow a colleague to carry on where you left off.

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Achieving safer and reliable practice

Location: Various (Read more for further details)
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Achieving safer and reliable practice

This workshop will give you a firm grounding in ways to improve reliability, which can result in reduced risk for yourself and your patients. With patient expectations increasing, this is a great opportunity to embrace quality of care improvements. The workshop also discusses the complex relationship between innovation and reliability, as well as the role played by human error.

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Striking a balance

Striking a balance

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The cost of clinical negligence claims is becoming unsustainable. MPS is leading a campaign to strike a balance between reasonable and affordable compensation.

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An essential guide to consent - Voluntariness

An essential guide to consent - Voluntariness

Time to read article: 11 mins
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Patients overtly coerced into undergoing treatment they do not want can rightly claim that their “consent” was not given freely and is therefore not valid. Cases of overt coercion are rare, but there are circumstances in which patients may feel that they have been covertly pushed into accepting treatment they would prefer not to have had. For example, in some circumstances patients may find it very difficult to say “No” to the proposed treatment, or to challenge the doctor’s assumption that they would have no objections to going ahead.

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