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Thinking about private practice?

As an NHS consultant or specialty trainee thinking about starting in private practice, there are lots of things you need to consider before making the move. But don’t let that put you off becoming a private doctor.

We understand the challenges you face, and we want to help you to feel confident moving into a new field.

If you are setting up or moving into private practice, you will need affordable protection from a provider you can trust. Get the protection your career deserves and the support you need.


Private Practice guidance

Medical Protection, in partnership with specialist medical accountants Sandison Easson, has put together a set of guides with the information you need to set you on the path to a new future in private practice.

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How Medical Protection can help

If you do take the leap into private practice, a key relationship will be with your medical defence provider. Being a member of Medical Protection means you have the support you need to safely grow your private practice into a successful business.

NHS indemnity schemes understandably don’t cover private work, so it’s essential that as a private practitioner you have adequate indemnity.

Medical Protection membership provides protection and more, with benefits including:

  • the right to request advice and legal representation for coroner's inquests, disciplinary and regulatory proceedings, and criminal investigations related to your professional practice
  • the right to request indemnity for clinical negligence claims and Good Samaritan acts worldwide
  • a medicolegal advice line, including out of hours emergency support 24/7. Calling won’t increase the price you pay
  • help responding to and resolving patient complaints.

Plus, you’re off to a flying start with protection for private work if you’re a speciality trainee member with earnings of up to £10k.

Advice from our experts

You’re busy and we know it is a challenge to fit in training and development. Our online resources are full of private practice advice and tips from our experts, and can be accessed at a time and place to suit you:

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Introducing an improved
online experience

You'll notice a few things have changed on our website. After asking our members what they want in an online platform, we've made it easier to access our membership benefits and created a more personalised user experience.

Why not take our quick 60-second tour? We'll show you how it all works and it should only take a minute.

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Medicolegal advice
0800 561 9090
Membership information
0800 561 9000

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Should you need to contact us, our phone numbers are always visible.

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