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Articles and features 17/06/2019

GP dilemma: prescribing valproate

GP dilemma: prescribing valproate

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As a GP, what should you do when a patient already taking a valproate medicine attends for another prescription without meeting specific safety criteria?

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Articles and features 23/05/2019

Why the way errors are investigated needs to change

Why the way errors are investigated needs to change

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Dr Pallavi Bradshaw, Education Services Lead (UK) at Medical Protection, says it is unfair that doctors are being held responsible for mistakes that have been caused by system failings

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Articles and features 22/05/2019

Adult safeguarding and confidentiality – disclosing information to th...

Adult safeguarding and confidentiality – disclosing information to the Office of the Public Guardian

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Knowing when you can disclose sensitive patient information is a notoriously complex area. Sarah Pickering, advisory case manager at Medical Protection, considers some recent queries from members regarding disclosures to the Office of the Public Guardian

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Case report 22/05/2019

A tale of two doctors: the junior and the consultant

A tale of two doctors: the junior and the consultant

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Dr Marika Davies, medicolegal consultant, looks at the recent case of GA v Greater Glasgow Health Board [2019] CSOH 31, where the death of a 77-year-old patient raised questions over where the liability for the negligence lay: the junior doctor or the consultant?

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Articles and features 21/05/2019

A potted history of medicine

A potted history of medicine

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Throughout history, doctors have treated patients, and doctors have made mistakes. We delve deep into the past to see what doctors used to get away with

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Articles and features 20/05/2019

You should specialise in obstetrics and gynaecology: here’s why

You should specialise in obstetrics and gynaecology: here’s why

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Obstetrics and gynaecology has developed enormously over the last 30 years. Yet despite the numerous advances in this field and the huge potential for growth, recruitment numbers have in the past been small.

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Articles and features 10/05/2019

Dying matters: medicolegal aspects of end-of-life care, DNACPR and or...

Dying matters: medicolegal aspects of end-of-life care, DNACPR and organ donation

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To mark the Dying Matters national awareness week, between 13 and 19 May, Medical Protection asked nearly 400 members in the UK about their experiences on a number of issues such as DNACPR, organ donation and withdrawal of treatment.

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Articles and features 10/05/2019

Understanding mental capacity: advance decisions

Understanding mental capacity: advance decisions

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Mental capacity is the ability to make a decision. If a person lacks capacity, they have an impairment or disturbance that leaves them unable to make a decision. A patient’s capacity to make decisions about their own care is a fundamental part of matters relating to end of life care

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Articles and features 10/05/2019

The procurator fiscal and fatal accident inquiries

The procurator fiscal and fatal accident inquiries

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A procurator fiscal investigates all sudden and suspicious deaths in Scotland, conducts fatal accident inquiries and handles criminal complaints against the police. There are 11 procurator fiscals, each covering a specific geographical location within Scotland, who between them investigate around 14,000 sudden deaths each year

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Articles and features 10/05/2019

Giving evidence at an inquest

Giving evidence at an inquest

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As a doctor, you may be asked to give evidence at an inquest, which is conducted by the coroner and, in some cases, in front of a jury. Find out what happens and how you can ensure you’re prepared

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Articles and features 09/05/2019

Confidentiality after death

Confidentiality after death

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Confidentiality is at the centre of maintaining trust between patients and doctors. But what are your obligations to a patient after they have died?

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Articles and features 05/03/2019

Electives packing list

Electives packing list

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We have put together the following basic packing checklist for you to refer to. This is by no means exhaustive, but there are some useful ideas.

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Articles and features 27/02/2019

Medical examiners: a new role for England and Wales

Medical examiners: a new role for England and Wales

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From April 2019, the new role of medical examiner will be introduced into the process for investigating the deaths of patients. Dr Ben Lobo, consultant physician, geriatrician and medical examiner, and Dr Ewen Ross, medicolegal consultant at Medical Protection, look at what this means for you

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Articles and features 14/02/2019

How to fall back in love with your medical career

How to fall back in love with your medical career

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Working in medicine has its ups and downs, so it’s important to do the things that help you stay happy at work.

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Articles and features 07/01/2019

When patients miss appointments – should DNA mean Does Need Appointment?

When patients miss appointments – should DNA mean Does Need Appointment?

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When patients fail to attend an appointment, it can be hugely frustrating for a number of reasons. It is also very costly, according to recent NHS England data that suggests up to 15 million general practice appointments are being wasted each year – at an estimated cost to the NHS of £216 million.

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