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Articles and features 21/12/2018

The cost of claims – control through proportionality

The cost of claims – control through proportionality

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If you have ever been unfortunate enough to receive a letter of claim, you will be aware of how stressful the process can be. Another aspect is the often high sums of money involved. Stephen Preater, costs adviser at Medical Protection, is part of an expert in-house team that is dedicated to controlling the amounts sought by claimants

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Articles and features 20/12/2018

12 record keeping tips

12 record keeping tips

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We have made a list of the things to remember when it comes to making and retaining good patient records.

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Factsheet 19/12/2018

Removing patients from the practice list

Removing patients from the practice list

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Removing patients from the practice list is an emotive issue and should only be used as a last resort. The reasons for removing a patient from the list can be varied, but it should not be in response to patients lodging a complaint or failing to comply with treatment.

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Factsheet 19/12/2018



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Good medical records – whether electronic or handwritten – are essential for the continuity of care of your patients. Adequate medical records enable you or somebody else to reconstruct the essential parts of each patient contact without reference to memory. They should therefore be comprehensive enough to allow a colleague to carry on where you left off.

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Factsheet 19/12/2018

NHS Complaints Procedure - Wales

NHS Complaints Procedure - Wales

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The regulations on NHS complaints in Wales are designed to make complaints handling open and accountable, fair and proportionate, and patient-focused. The emphasis is on resolving concerns in a timely fashion, openly and honestly, and a philosophy of “investigate once, investigate well”.

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Factsheet 07/12/2018



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The medical consultation is a challenge to both doctor and patient, whether in the community or in hospital. The need for more detailed discussions with patients, along with their increasing autonomy and right to make choices in relation to their clinical care and treatment, has affected the traditional role of the doctor-patient relationship. This has made maintaining appropriate professional boundaries in the doctor-patient consultation more challenging, however, the guidance from national and regulatory bodies is clear that it is always the health professional's responsibility to do so.

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Case report 27/11/2018

Video: Two years of Multiple Jeopardy

Video: Two years of Multiple Jeopardy

Time to read article: 6 mins
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A patient dies after amoxicillin reaction – we support GP through criminal investigation, inquest and GMC hearing.

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Case report 27/11/2018

Video: Chain reaction

Video: Chain reaction

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This video provides some valuable lessons in diagnosis, documentation and the information that needs to be communicated to patients.

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Case report 27/11/2018

Video: Anatomy of a claim

Video: Anatomy of a claim

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This video looks at a scenario where a patient brought a claim against three GPs in the same surgery, and how understanding the varied claims enabled us to support the doctors throughout the whole process.

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Articles and features 20/11/2018

The role of receptionists: a legal commentary

The role of receptionists: a legal commentary

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A recent Supreme Court decision, Darnley v Croydon Health Services NHS Trust [2018] UKSC 50, has raised questions about the role of non-clinical staff in patient care. The judgment criticised the actions of a receptionist in an Accident and Emergency (A&E) department – Joseph McCaughley, litigation solicitor at Medical Protection, looks at the ramifications of the case

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Case report 01/11/2018

Failure to remove a swab leads to months of problems for a patient

Failure to remove a swab leads to months of problems for a patient

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Miss Y, 37 years old, was known to have bilateral ovarian endometrial cysts treated at the time of a laparotomy by Mr D, consultant gynaecologist. For several years she had been regularly followed up and repeat scans had showed recurrence of her cysts, which were managed with dydrogesterone.

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Case report 24/10/2018

Missed bowel perforation leads to complications and a large settlement

Missed bowel perforation leads to complications and a large settlement

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A woman is seen by a consultant gynaecologist, scheduled to have a diagnostic laparoscopy and her copper IUD removed. After the laparoscopy the woman is in pain, which worsens as a diagnosis is missed.

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Case report 23/10/2018

Who else is in the room?

Who else is in the room?

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A patient undergoing a colonoscopy claims her modesty is disregarded during the procedure. What did Medical Protection do to tackle this allegation?

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