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Casebook 06/05/2014

Medicine and manslaughter

Medicine and manslaughter

Time to read article: 7 mins
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Last year’s custodial sentence for surgeon David Sellu, following a verdict of gross negligence manslaughter, raised concerns within the profession. Former Casebook Editor-in-chief Dr Stephanie Bown met with Professor Norman Williams, President of the Royal College of Surgeons, to discuss what the ruling means for healthcare professionals.

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Factsheet 01/05/2014

Guide to writing expert reports - England

Guide to writing expert reports - England

Time to read article: 1 mins
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As an expert you should be aiming to produce a report which is free standing – from which the reader can glean the key issues in the case, understand the evidence available and reach a clear understanding of the range of expert opinion, without needing to look at any other document.

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Factsheet 01/05/2014

Giving evidence - Wales

Giving evidence - Wales

Time to read article: 4 mins
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As a doctor, you may be asked to give evidence in many different types of tribunals, including criminal or civil courts, the coroner’s court and employment or mental health tribunals. This factsheet gives further information about what to expect and how to prepare.

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Factsheet 01/05/2014

Mental Capacity Act 2005 – Assessments under the Deprivation of Liber...

Mental Capacity Act 2005 – Assessments under the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards - England and Wales

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Under the Mental Capacity Act Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (MCA DOLS), six assessments have to be successfully conducted before a local authority (supervisory body) can authorise the deprivation of an individual’s liberty in a hospital or a care home.

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Factsheet 01/05/2014

Raising concerns and whistleblowing - Scotland

Raising concerns and whistleblowing - Scotland

Time to read article: 3 mins
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One of the most difficult situations faced by any clinician is when you are concerned that a colleague’s behaviour, health or professional performance may be placing patients at risk. This factsheet outlines your duty to raise concerns when patients may be at risk of harm.

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Factsheet 01/05/2014

Mental Capacity Act 2005 - Introduction to the Deprivation of Liberty...

Mental Capacity Act 2005 - Introduction to the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards - England and Wales

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The Mental Capacity Act Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (MCA DOLS) provide a legal framework around the deprivation of liberty.

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Articles and features 06/04/2014

From the case files...

From the case files...

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“From the case files” features unusual cases and cases with strong learning points. Here we deal with a common question on the MPS helpline – how to deal with a father’s requests to access his child’s records.

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Articles and features 02/04/2014

Top five medicolegal hazards for junior doctors

Top five medicolegal hazards for junior doctors

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Good doctors apply clinical knowledge in a way that is legally and ethically correct – but all doctors can slip up. Here are survival tips for the top five medicolegal risks for junior doctors, writes Charlotte Hudson

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Factsheet 01/04/2014

Removal of medical equipment after death

Removal of medical equipment after death

Time to read article: 2 mins
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If a patient dies and the death is reportable to the coroner, you should leave all equipment in place until you have discussed the case with the coroner’s officer. This factsheet gives you further information about what to do.

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Factsheet 01/04/2014

Controlled drugs - Northern Ireland

Controlled drugs - Northern Ireland

Time to read article: 5 mins
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In Northern Ireland, unlike England and Wales, out-of-hours (OOH) organisations may expect GPs to carry and use controlled drugs (CDs) from their own stock. This factsheet highlights what you should be aware of when carrying, storing and recording controlled drugs.

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Factsheet 01/04/2014

Guide to writing expert reports - Wales

Guide to writing expert reports - Wales

Time to read article: 1 mins
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As an expert you should be aiming to produce a report which is free standing – from which the reader can glean the key issues in the case, understand the evidence available and reach a clear understanding of the range of expert opinion, without needing to look at any other document.

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Factsheet 01/04/2014

Raising concerns and whistleblowing - Wales

Raising concerns and whistleblowing - Wales

Time to read article: 3 mins
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One of the most difficult situations faced by any clinician is when you are concerned that a colleague’s behaviour, health or professional performance may be placing patients at risk. This factsheet outlines your duty to raise concerns when patients may be at risk of harm.

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Articles and features 10/02/2014

In the hot seat with... Professor Nigel Sparrow

In the hot seat with... Professor Nigel Sparrow

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Professor Nigel Sparrow, senior national GP advisor at the CQC, chats to Charlotte Hudson about the regulator’s new ratings for GP surgeries

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Articles and features 04/02/2014

Risk alert: Clinical protocols

Risk alert: Clinical protocols

Time to read article: 6 mins
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Diane Baylis, MPS Clinical Risk Manager, discusses how protocols enable practice teams to practise the right way.

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Articles and features 01/02/2014

Space - the next health frontier?

Space - the next health frontier?

Time to read article: 8 mins
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Dr Thomas I Lemon explores the concept of deep space medicine and healthcare.

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